We primarily opt for a bottom-up approach when analyzing potential investments and seek companies with strong economic moats as well as sound fundamentals. Through rigorous peer review of valuation models, research, and quantitative and qualitative investment rationales, we seek to outperform our benchmark, the S&P 500 Total Return index, on a risk-adjusted basis while remaining within our compliance.
Our holdings stretch across many different industries and we designed our club structure accordingly. Members of the Analyst Training Program spend their time covering one sector closely and as a result develop an intimate understanding for their respective coverage universe. These sectors include: Large Cap Value, Large Cap Growth, Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth, Small Cap Value, Small Cap Growth, Internationals, and Dividend Growth. Each division is weighted according to economic forecasts and expected cyclical behavior.
If you have any questions about the portfolio or our current holdings, please reach out to our Chief Investment Officer, Justin Quinn.
Our holdings stretch across many different industries and we designed our club structure accordingly. Members of the Analyst Training Program spend their time covering one sector closely and as a result develop an intimate understanding for their respective coverage universe. These sectors include: Large Cap Value, Large Cap Growth, Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth, Small Cap Value, Small Cap Growth, Internationals, and Dividend Growth. Each division is weighted according to economic forecasts and expected cyclical behavior.
If you have any questions about the portfolio or our current holdings, please reach out to our Chief Investment Officer, Justin Quinn.
Research Databases
S&P Capital IQ
The S&P Capital IQ platform combines deep and broad global financial intelligence with an array of tools for analysis, ideation, and efficiency. This platform includes profiles for over 62,000 public companies and 4.4 million private companies, in-depth global data for 17 industries, and data related to inflation, employment, GDP, trade, currency and more.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) is the award-winning research platform and business intelligence tool for over 40,000+ corporate, academic, government and nonprofit clients at over 400+ institutions in 30+ countries. WRDS provides the user with one location to access data across multiple disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, ESG, and Statistics. GVSU’s subscription includes access to S&P Global Market Intelligence/Capital IQ and CRSP U.S. Stock database. CRSP contains end-of-day and month-end prices on primary listings for the NYSE, NYSE MKT, NASDAQ, and Arca exchanges, along with basic market indices.